The Hall - Daily Routine

Our opening hours are:

Monday - 9.15am to 12.15pm
Tuesday - 8.45am to 2.45pm
Wednesday - 9.15am to 12.15pm
Thursday - 8.45am to 2.45pm
Friday - 9.15am to 12.15pm

Opening time - Children come into the Main Hall to do self registration.

Free flow – Children can self-select from a wide range of activities available both inside and out in the astro turf garden.

Snack time – Children come and sit down together for snacks and drinks. The tambourine shakes, carpet time and wash of hands.

Free Flow – Children can continue to play inside and explore all the activities the garden.

Tidy up time – (Mon / Wed / Fri) The tambourine shakes and the children are encouraged to help pack away.

Home time - The morning children are called out one at a time to be collected by parents.

Lunch time - (Tue / Thur) Children wash their hands before sitting down together for lunch.

Free Flow – Children can continue to play inside and explore all the activities the garden.

Circle Time – The children are asked if they would like stories, songs and games.

Tidy up time – The tambourine shakes and the children are encouraged to help pack away.

Home time
– Children are called out one at a time to be collected by parents in the main hall.