The Unit - Pre-School Year Children

photo reading sThe Nursery Unit premises are open Monday to Friday mornings, 9.00am to 12.00pm and Monday to Friday afternoons, 12.00pm to 3.00pm for children aged 3 to 5 years. There is a maximum of 24 children per session. Morning and afternoon sessions can run consecutively.

From September 2018 we are pleased to be able to offer an extra hour before school hours which are chargeable. We also offer a lunch club which gives an extra hour after the morning session times.

The Nursery Unit is a purpose built premises within the main primary school building, with an enclosed playground area.

Children generally start at the Memorial Hall and then may have the opportunity to move to the Nursery Unit, the pre-school adheres to an Admissions Policy, a copy is available upon request. However, some parents/carers may choose to send their child to pre-school for one year only, usually the year before starting at mainstream school, these children would attend the Nursery Unit premises.

For more information see the following links:

- The Unit - Funding & Fees

- The Unit - Daily Routine

- The Unit - Staff

Ofsted Register Pre-School
Special Educational Needs or Disabilities

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